Monday, April 11, 2011

♥ SMART Quest ♥ Mon. April 11, 2011

Week 5, Day 1
My SMART Quest for today is:  Try to keep a positive attitude.  Everything is going well with the program.  I am seeing a loss of inches on most of my areas I measure.  I had a loss of about 2 lbs last week, but since my reward meal I am back up just over 1 lb.  I know it will go away so I am not discouraged!  I am posting this late at night as I have had trouble getting online and I was in a meeting until 10:00 pm, ugh!

Awoke:  5:00 am
Warm Up: 5:30 am 
12 push ups
16 squats
12 spiderman climbs
20 jumping jacks
Completed 2 rounds!  I have added a few extra reps to my warm up to get my heart going!

Workout:  5:35 am

Today I am doing Scott Colby's Weight Based Interval Training #1, week 5, from Ageless Abs 2 Program!  I will continue to add more reps and do more advanced moves.   

Metabolic Acceleration Phase - Week 5

Weight Based Interval Training # 1 

BOSU DB Squat Press  - 12 lb DB's x 16 reps
DB Reverse Lunge with Bicep Curl  - 12 lb DB's (back leg on BOSU) x 24 reps (12 reps each leg)
BOSU DB Squat with Bent Over Row - 15 lb DB's x 16 reps
DB Renegade Row x 32 reps (16 reps each side)

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.  Rest only as needed.

I was really looking forward to this workout!  I was a bit afraid to go back to the weights as I have been enjoying the body weight workouts!  I must say I could really feel this.  I was out of breath, and my arms were definitely getting fatigued!
BOSU DB Squat Press -  It took me a few reps to get my balance.  I have bad knees and didn't like that I couldn't  put my feet farther apart to get a really good press up in my legs as I came out of the squat.  Something I just have to get used to.  I added extra reps, perhaps I can add extra weight.  I don't want to go to heavy too early on as we will be increasing our weights and lowering our reps in the last 4 weeks of the program.
DB Reverse Lunge with Bicep Curl -   I ended up putting my back foot on the BOSU as I lunged.  I did twice as many reps for a total of 24 reps.  My arms were really getting fatigued here.  I used 12 lb weights because of all the reps.  I may go higher in the weight next time, I will have to see if I can manage as many reps with the added weights.
BOSU DB Squat with Bent Over Row  -   Once again I added extra reps, doing 16 reps with 15 lb weights.  I think I could probably go up in the weights.  It was the balancing I had to get used to.
DB Renegade Row - I was trying to figure out how to make this more difficult so I just added twice the reps.  I used 15 lb weights and did 32 reps.  Boy could I feel this in my abs and arms.

Once again it took me so long to do the extra reps.  I was sweating quite a lot and my heart rate was up! I was able to complete 3 rounds in 19:5 minutes.
I didn't bother to start another round since I was only a few seconds away from 20:00.
R#1 - 6:49, R# 2 - 6:37,  R#3 - 6:29

I finished this workout with a 5 minute Couplet Finisher #1

Push Ups until you can't do any more - R1 25, R2 16, R3 13, R4 12Squat Jumps until you can't do any more R1 37, R2 30, R3 25, R4 20As many rounds as you can in 5 minutes

Neck - 12 1/2" (- .25")
Bust - 35 1/4" (same)
Under Bust - 30" (same)
Waist - 28" (- .50")
Navel - 31 1/2" (- .75")
Hips - 35 5/8" (- .15")
Thighs - 23 1/4" (- .25")
Mid Thigh - 20 1/2" (- .50")
Knee - 17" (- .20")
Calves - 14 1/2" (- .10")
Ankles - 9 5/8" (- .20")
Bicep Left - 11 5/8" (- .10")
Bicep Right - 11" (- .25")