Saturday, September 3, 2011

♥ SMART Quest ♥ Wed. August 31, 2011

Total Body Fat Burner Workout

I am still doing Scott Colby's Boot Camps On Demand Workouts and highly recommend them to anyone looking for a challenging "bootcamp style" workout that will leave you drenched and your heart racing!

I started with a dynamic warm up of:
Push Ups x 12
Squats x 20
Spiderman Climbs x 20 total

Jumping Jacks x 30
2 Rounds

"Mission Possible" Workout!

This is Scott's workout from his Bootcamps on Demand Program.

Here Scott gives us 2 missions. Each mission has 4 exercises.  We are to finish the mission as quickly as possible and can do the exercises in any order. Divide the reps in order to complete the missions.
Finish mission #1 before tackling mission #2.

Mission 1
(I did 3 rounds)

KB Swings x 75 (25 reps per round)
Push Ups x 60 (20 reps per round)
Squats x 100 (33, 33, 34 reps per round)
Jump Rope x 300 ( 100 reps per round)

Mission 2
(I did 3 rounds)

Slamball x 55 (18 reps per round)
Squat Jumps x 60 (30 reps per round)
Mountain Jumpers x 70 (23, 23, 24 reps per round)
Run 300 yards x 2 times (200 yds per round)

This was a great workout!  Loved the challenge!