Wednesday, March 23, 2011

♥ SMART Quest ♥ Wed. March 23, 2011

Week 2, Day 3
At 50 How Does Madonna
Get these Fab Arms? 
I want to look like this!
My SMART Goal for today is:  Have a good Reward Meal Day!  I sometimes get caught up on "ruining" my clean eating.  I am actually afraid to eat the reward meal.  I feel like it will un-do everything I have worked so hard to accomplish all week but we really need to trick our bodies into thinking that we are not depriving it (well we really are not).  So, hmmmmm what to have today?  We shall see!
Sleep:   5 1/2 hours - Went to bed about 11:30 pm  - Didn't sleep well.  Woke up and had trouble going back to sleep! So, I am sleepy, maybe a small nap today!
Awoke:  5:05 am
Warm Up: 5:25 am 
8 push ups
12 squats
10 spiderman climbs
20 jumping jacks
Completed 2 rounds!
Workout:  5:30 am

Today I am doing Scott Colby's Ageless Abs 2 Weight Based Interval training #2.


Jungle Gym or Ultimate Body Press Dip Bar (Or Lebert Equalizer if UBP Dip Bar is still sold out)
Gymboss Interval Timer
Exercise Mat

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer to count down 1 Interval of 20:00 minutes

Weight Based Interval Training #2  
Bodyweight Row Wide Grip x 20  - I used an Ultimate Body Press Dip Bar! Still difficult to do! Love it!Overhead One Legged Step Ups x 20 each leg
BOSU Grasshoppers with Push Ups  x 20 total (couldn't do 30 with the push ups)
BOSU Mountain Climbers  x 25 each leg
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.  Rest only as needed

I was able to once again complete 4 rounds in 24 minutes (3 1/2 rounds in 20 minutes)
Rd#1 - 5:30, Rd#2 - 5:04, Rd#3 - 6:01, Rd#4 - 2:35 (1/2 of a round) + 3:17 to finish  

Considering I made the exercises a bit more difficult by adding the BOSU I was surprised that some of my times were a few seconds shorter and some of my reps were more, but it averaged out to be the same time as last week.

I did 20 reps instead of 15 on 3 of the exercises and 25 reps of the Bosu Mountain Climbers.
I added Push Ups to the Bosu Grasshoppers and did 20 rounds total instead of each leg. That added push up was killer especially since my lower back was sore.  I will try to add more reps next time.
I still found using the UBP Dip Bar for the Body Weight Rows was super challenging!  My goodness it really works my arms, abs, etc.  I could barely get through 20 reps at a time.  I had to rest a tiny bit here and there. 
My Lower back is sore today from doing those wonderful innocent looking Knee Hugs" from Zuzana's site.  Owww!

This was another good workout!  I was breathless and sweaty and exhausted, but that's the point right?  So glamourous, lol.

Unfortunately I didn't have my recovery drink until 2 hours after my workout.  I know this is bad, but my daughter is sick again so life got a tiny bit in the way!
MEALS:  P , C & R Day ☺
Meal#1: - 8:00 am - 8 ozs fat free milk with 1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder. (200 calories, 2 gms sugar)
Meal #2: - 11:00 am - 1 slice of toasted Ezekiel sprouted grain bread, 1 Tbs. Natural Peanut Butter( 170 calories, gms sugar)
Meal #3: - 1:00 pm - Oh, glorious reward day!  I had Organic Ceviche with scallops and shrimp.  Fit right in with my clean eating, but my reward was the fattening chips & fresh salsa.  I later treated myself to several pieces of chocolate! Yummy!  No calorie counting today! ( calories, gms sugar)
Meal #4: -  0:00 pm - Nothing!( calories, gms sugar)
Meal #5: - 0:00 pm -   Wasn't too hungry, I ate popcorn (light version) ( calories, gms sugar)

_ calories total, _sugars for the whole day. 
WATER: 8 glasses

MINDSET: I felt really good today.  Treating myself to some good "bad" food was wonderful for my mind, body & soul! I don't feel bloaty or stuffed in any way.  This was truely a good day!