Monday, March 7, 2011

♥ SMART Quest ♥ Mon. March 7, 2011

My SMART Quest for today is:  Keep on track.  I had a good weekend.  I was able to stay  in control.  Instead of having a reward mela I just let myself have a couple of glasses of wine on Saturday & Sunday night.  I have found that since I stopped counting calories, the scale seems to be going down!  Go figure, I must have not been eating enough calories!

Sleep:  - 6 1/2 hours - Went to bed at 10:30 pm  - I don't think I could go to bed earlier if I tried, sigh!Awoke:  5:00 am

Warm Up: 5:25 am 
8 push ups
12 squats
10 spiderman climbs
20 jumping jacks
Completed 2 rounds!

Workout:  5:30 am

Today I am doing Scott Colby's 21 Day Meltdown Weight Based Interval Training Workout A

Bodyweight Row Narrow Grip x 20
Squat Thrusts x 20
Push Ups x 20
Step Jumps x 20 (This was challenging as I tend to have bad knees, but I was careful to land lightly)
Dips x 20
Squat Jumps x 20
Scott wants us to Go through these exercises in order.
Completion of all 6 exercises = 1 round.
Perform as many rounds of this circuit as quickly as possible (or 20 minutes),
whichever comes first. Rest as needed.

I was able to do 3 rounds in 18:51.  I then completed the 4th round  by adding an extra 5:16 for a total of
Good workout, at first I didn't feel like working out, but I pushed past that and kept going!