Wednesday, July 27, 2011

♥ SMART Quest ♥ Tues. June 14, 2011

Toda is a HIIT day!  Whooya!  Still following along with Scott Colby's:

Lose 3 Inches Off Your Belly By July 4 - Workout #13, June 14, 2011

by The Abs Expert on Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Warm up for 5 minutes - I do a dynamic warm up consisting of:
Push Ups x 12
Squats x 20
Spiderman Climbs x 20 totalJumping Jacks x 30

Today I am doing a HIIT consisting of a series of 8 sets of exercises with 8 sets of active recovery. I am doing 90 seconds on 90 seconds active recovery.

High Intensity Interval Training

These are timed Intervals: Set your Gymboss Timer to 2 intervals of 90 seconds each and 8 rounds. Each round is 3 minutes. 24:00 total

Sprinting (313, running as fast as I can, high knees) x 90 seconds full on work
Squats  x 90 seconds active recovery to keep my heart rate at a moderate pace
Jumping Jacks (130)  x 90 seconds full on work
Lunge With Twist x 90 seconds active recovery to keep my heart rate at a moderate pace
Squat Thrusts  (20) x 90 seconds full on work
Side Reaching Lunge  x 90 seconds active recovery to keep my heart rate at a moderate pace
Sprinting (278, running as fast as I can, high knees) x 90 seconds full on work. As quickly as possible
Alternating Reverse Lunge x 90 seconds active recovery to keep my heart rate at a moderate pace
Jumping Jacks (128) x 90 seconds full on work
Alternating 1 Legged Reach x 90 seconds active recovery to keep my heart rate at a moderate pace
Squat Thrusts (19) x 90 seconds full on work
Side Planks x 90 seconds active recovery to keep my heart rate at a moderate pace
Sprinting (325, running as fast as I can, high knees) x 90 seconds full on work
Squats  x 90 seconds active recovery to keep my heart rate at a moderate pace
Jumping Jacks (129) x 90 seconds full on work
Lunge With Twist x 90 seconds active recovery to keep my heart rate at a moderate pace

Each exercise took 3 minutes for a total of 24 minutes (8 exercises), plus 5 minutes of cool down & 5 minutes of warm up.
Another good workout. Always a challenge and my heart rate is soaring!