This is a fat burning interval!
I have been so behind on my posting here. My apologies. That doesn't mean I haven't been eating right and working out! I did take it a bit easier while my ankle was recovering, but I didn't stop working out entirely. Here is a great workout that will work your legs and core!
You will need 1 Kettlebell or a dumbbell if you don't have one.
This workout is a circuit of 4 exercises mixed in with some sprinting. Not just any sprinting. You will be running with a weight. This can be a Dumbbell, Kettlebell, Medicine Ball, whatever you have. Since we will be using a kettlebell for one of the exercises, it will be easier to just use that for your weight sprint. Fun stuff, let's get started!
- Push Ups x 10 - 12
- Squats x 10 - 15
- Spiderman Climbs x 15 - 20
- Jumping Jacks x 20 - 30
- 5 Squat Thrusts
- 10 KB Swings
- 15 In/Outs
- 20 Squat Jumps
- Run 200 meters (1/8th mile) with 15 lb weight (I used a 15 lb kettlebell)
20 minutes as many reps. as you can!
Cooldown and stretch it out!
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