Week 1, Day 2 - Feeling Confidant
SMART Quest for today: Keep a positive attitude & know that what I am doing is go good for my mind, body & soul!
Well I was hoping to go to bed earlier but as usual, I didn't get to bed until about 11:20 pm and since I had to drive for the carpool today I couldn't sleep in. I did really well yesterday in eating & working out! I did feel a bit hungry throughtout the day, but this is normal when I first start out on a clean eating plan.
Awoke: 4:45 am
Warm Up: 5:05 am -8 Push ups, 12 Squats, 10 Spiderman Climbs, 20 Jumping Jacks - 2 Rounds
Workout: 5:10 am - Today I decided to tackle Zuzana's Bodyrock.tv Workout Mash Up! Grand Theft Booty + Counter Strike Workouts.
This was an awesome but very difficult workout! Zuzana is an amazing woman! I am in awe how she can make these moves look so simple. I had to do some of the moves on a beginner level as I just don't have the strength and I also have bad knees.
Part 1 – Interval Training 6 minutes
- Snowboarder - 30 seconds on 10 seconds rest x 3 rounds - (18 reps)
- One Leg Squat and Side Kick Left Leg- 30 seconds on 10 seconds rest x 3 rounds - (5 reps)
- One Leg Squat and Side Kick Right Leg- 30 seconds on 10 seconds rest x 3 rounds - (5 reps)
Part 2 – Time Challenge 8 minute count down
- Do maximum sets of Push Up Lunge Combo Exercise - 8 full minutes non-stop - (18 reps)
- Shelf Butt Exercise - 30 seconds on 10 seconds rest x 3 rounds - (18 reps)
- Half Pistol & One Leg Pike Press - 30 seconds on 10 seconds rest x 3 rounds - (3 reps)
I think I didn't do the footwork of the Shelf Butt exercise correctly which enabled me to do more reps, but nest time I will do this more carefully!
With the Half Pistol exercise, my oh my! Again, I had to use a chair to support myself and I could only go less than halfway, but I was able to balance and continue with the One Leg Pike Press which is a push up in sort of a 1 leg downward dog position.
Zuzana wanted us to do 20 minutes of jumping rope, but I had a time constraint since I had to carpool, but I must say 6 minutes of 30 seconds on 10 seconds rest was a good workout. My calves were so tired, I can't imagine 20 minutes of this. Also she was doing 50 seconds on 10 seconds rest, that would be even more challenging!Glad this workout was over and I felt really good. My hamstrings, glutes
Meal #1: 7:00 am - Recovery whey protein shake (within 15 minutes of my workout) 1 sm banana (180 calories)
Meal #2: 10:30 am - 1 egg, 1 slices uncured bacon, 1 small banana. (220 calories)
Meal #3: 2:30 pm - Chinese Salad with Bok Choy & Chicken (395 calories)
Meal #4: 7:00 pm - 3 oz roasted turkey breast, 3 cherry tomatoes, 1/2 avocado (298 calrories)
Meal #5: 7:45 pm - 2 dried figs, 7 almonds fat free hot cocoa (123 calories),
1216 calories total - low
WATER: 7 glasses
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