Wednesday, July 27, 2011

♥ SMART Quest ♥ Fri. July 22, 2011

Today I will be doing Scott Colby's Bootcamps On Demand

Sprints With A Twist Workout!

I start my workout with a dynamic warm up of:

12 Push Ups
20 Prisoner Squats
20 Spider Man Climbs
30 Jumping Jacks
X 2 Rounds

Enhanced Interval Training:
Sprints With A Twist
Run 200 meters (halfway around a track, or 45 seconds in place)
Push Ups x 20
Run 200 meters
Squat Jumps x 20
Run 200 meters
Get Ups x 20
Run 200 meters
Narrow Grip Bodyweight Rows x 20
Run 200 meters
Jumping Lunges x 20 total
Run 200 meters
Squat Thrusts x 20
1 time through as quickly as possible. Rest as needed.

It took me 14:31 to complete this workout. I like a longer workout so I added a finisher of dumbbell training:

DB Chest Flys with 17.5 lb Dumbbells x 20 reps
DB Chest Press with 17.5 lb Dumbbells x 20 reps
Bicep Curls with 10 lb DB's x 20 reps
Overhead Press with 10 lb DB's x 20 reps

It took me 5:40 to complete this finisher.

This gave me a good solid 20:11 workout