Friday, April 22, 2011

♥ SMART Quest ♥ Fri. April 22, 2011

Week 6, Day 5
My SMART Quest for today is: I just can't believe how well this is going!  I am going to keep moving onward! Whooya! I am a bit afraid of Easter...eating, etc.  It is supposed to be a reward meal day, but I am opting to save it for Sunday like a few other people from our Ageless Abs List.
 I am now down below my lowest weight/inches during this program as well as the lowest I had gotten in Ageless Abs 1.  It feels amazing, and is definitely keeping me on track.  I know how hard it is to break below this plateau I have been on for such a long time.  I am a few lbs away from the lowest I was 3 years ago.  I still have a long way to go before I get back to where I used to be in the good old days, but I am on my way!

Sleep:  7 1/2 hours!

Awoke:  7:00 am
Warm Up: 7:25 am 
12 push ups
16 squats
16 spiderman climbs
20 jumping jacks
Completed 2 rounds! 

Workout:  7:30 am

Today I am doing Scott Colby's Weight Based Interval Training #3, week 6, from Ageless Abs 2 Program!  I will continue to add more reps and do more advanced moves.   

Metabolic Acceleration Phase - Week 6

Weight Based Interval Training #3 

DB Renegade Rows with Push Ups (17.5 lb. Dumbbells) x 16 push ups (8 rows each side)
BOSU DB Pull to Overhead Press (15 lb. Dumbbells) x 16 reps
DB T-Stabilization  (12 lb. Dumbbells) x 16 reps total  (8 each side)
BOSU DB Bent Over Row to Tricep Extension  (12 lb Dumbbells) x 16 reps  

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.  Rest only as needed
As many rounds as you can in 5 minutes -
DB Renegade Rows with Push Ups -  I decided to stay with the 16 reps and increase the weights.  I was groaning through the push ups, lol!
BOSU DB Pull to Overhead Press  -   I did 16 reps and I tried to bump it up to 17.5 lb dumbbells, no way!  I was struggling with this exercise this time! By the 3rd round I had to go down to 12 lb. dumbbells to get through the rest of the round.
DB T- Stabilization   - Again, stayed at 16 reps.  I really can't go higher than 12 lbs with this with out changing the T Stabilization into a Row to a T stabilization so 12 lbs. it is!
BOSU DB Bent Over Row to Tricep Extension - This is another exercise where in order to have good form and really extend the tricep with out swinging the weights I needed to stay at 12 lbs. with 16 reps.  I was exhausted by the end of this workout!  I felt like I was dragging a tiny bit!
I was able to do 3 rounds in 19:50, I shaved off a whopping 4 seconds from last weeks time of 19:54 lol.
R#1 - 6:59, R# 2 - 6:45,  R#3 - 6:06

I finished this workout with a 5 minute Couplet Finisher #3 ( it took me 5:13)

DB Squat Press until you can't do any more R#1 - 22, R#2 - 18, R#3 - 16 (I forced myself to do a couple of extra reps from last time.)
DB Bent Over Row until you can't do any more R#1 - 20, R#2 - 18, R#3 - 14
 (same thing, made myself do more reps)

Meal #1:  9:30 am -  coffee & sugar free creamer, 1 small banana
Meal #2:  11:30 am - Scrambled egg whites with a bit of cheddar
Meal #3: 4:30 pm - Grilled Tilapia Fillet & Steamed Broccoli
Meal #4: 7:30 pm -

WATER: 9 glasses

MINDSET: Today is Good Friday!  A "No Meat" "Don't eat a lot" sorta day!  No problem, I will eat better tomorrow!  I hope this good feeling lasts and lasts!